Post by Admin on Sept 14, 2020 4:20:32 GMT
Thread Types: Closed - This means only people invited to the thread are allowed to post in it. Open - This means anyone who wants to can post in the thread.
Fast - People can post at any point without having to wait for anyone. Regular - Someone in the post can be skipped if it's been 24 hours since the last post. Slow - People post in order and are only allowed to post once the person who posted before them has.
If a thread is unmarked than it's considered to be open and regular, meaning if no one posts in 24 hours than someone else can post.
Rolling only needs to be done if the players can't agree on how the scene goes, in this case, the players roll a dice for each number they have in their stat. The players then pick one of their totals the highest one wins the challenge. Sometimes the person running a scene might call for a roll then they will set a target number. 3 is easy, hard is 5 + and Very Hard is 7+.
Post by Admin on Sept 22, 2020 14:01:28 GMT
Zoning- Magi can sometimes do a thing called Zoning, where they stop reacting to things, this can last for a short time or a long time some Zoned Magi never comes out of it and need to be sent to a special hospital.
In-Game terms if you cannot keep up and end up out of the game for longer than you should be you are considered zoned. Your character is fine and no harm will come to them you will just be placed to the side so that you can come back when or if you feel ready.